I just watched a documentary called “Happy“, all about happiness and how it affects people. It was so awesome!
So many people strive to find happiness through money, status and the way they look. But none of these things bring happiness! The three things that do bring happiness: personal growth, friends, and giving to others. Isn’t that interesting?
I’m lucky to work for Club Penguin. I learn something new every day, I work with a team of great friends, and I even get to connect with awesome players around the world who are also my great friends online. Not only that, but I also get to give back to my local community (like volunteering and raising money for local charities) and give back to causes around the world (like building safe places, protecting endangered animals and providing medical help for the sick.)
Basically, I have a dream job that helps me be happy and create awesome things. How awesome is that?
So the question is – what could you do to be happier? Is there something you could do differently that would make you a happier person?
I wanna be web developer and help everybody!
Polo Field
Cool! What would you help people with as a web dev?
Helping with her blogs and pages and helping them also to learn! 😀
Polo Field
That’s cool. Teaching others is a great thing. Share knowledge!
Pin60032 (@Pin60032cp)
Awesome Polo Field ^Pin60032
The best thing I and everyone else can do in my opinion is to make sure they’re in a positive environment. If there are negative things in the way is can make you less happy or even depressed. Stress is also a factor, since less stress = more happiness. I always make sure I am working on something not too stressful, and if I find myself getting stressed, then I destress. (something I personally enjoy doing to destress is listening to EDM – electronic dance music)
Friends are also a key factor, as interacting with friends vs not interacting with anybody makes a huge difference to me. It gives me a boost of happiness and helps if you’re feeling lonely and/or sad. I always make sure I’m interacting with others (via Twitter, instant messaging, or even through website comments) throughout the day. You talking to someone might even make someone’s day by talking to them, too. 🙂
Polo Field
Nice one, Train. Creating a positive environment for others is a huge deal for creating happiness!
What I want to do to be happy is to help other people get chances in life I take for granted and they don’t really get. I’m constantly donating to real-life charities such as Goodwill and I’ve already donated 50,000 coins to CFC. I can’t say that I haven’t really been a sad person for that long, I’m really glad and fortunate of that too. Really thanks Polo, for letting me say that.
Polo Field
It’s never too late to start doing things that make you happier. Give to others, spend time with friends, learn new skills!
I would like to work for club penguin, I’d start as a cp support person, and work my way up to a graphic designer or a writer. I might stay support because I know sooooo much about cp, and I love sharng my info with others. When I see sad penguins, I just walk over and say “CYBER HUG!” I’ve even had a whole room do a group ug for a penguin before. Its cool when you see others care.
Polo Field
That’s sweet of you!
I love to make other penguins happy! 🙂
~Perapin 🙂
It’s super that you have your dream job Polo Field! 🙂 Thanks for making us happy, adding lots of penguins on your friends list, sharing your thoughts on this Club Penguin Blog and more which makes us happy. You are a great friend to have in Club Penguin. Hope to see you another time on Club Penguin soon. 🙂
~Perapin 🙂
P.S. I keep forgetting to use a different smiley on WordPress blogs, that WordPress smiley is not cute enough for me. (:
~Perapin (:
2clubpenguinfan/j&p (@rollystare)
I saw that video on youtube 2. It’s something that money doesn’t make you happy if you keep money for yourself.
Polo Field
That’s interesting, isn’t it? Researchers have found that buying gifts for others can bring happiness.
But making the presents will make you happier! 🙂
~Perapin 🙂
I love being generous! 🙂
– Max 7727
me too when I recieve my bulletin I am happy
pingywin8 (@pingywin8)
Hey penguins,we and the club penguin community are already spreading the happiness around the world by donating to Coins For Change.Well,the coins for change board didn’t explode due to the coins we are donating,it exploded due to the happiness we are providing poor people 🙂
Yeah for make happier another person I would tell everybody where you or another modernateur are
and I can give coins for coins for change cause I gave 30 000 and + coins
Now i used up my penguin time waiting for spike hike on spike Saturday but i did meet moose but he didn’t add me tell moose that i would like him to add Max(space)7727 to his friends list.
Also in addition to my comment i met a polo field (maybe fake) his name was polo C.p. is that you polo. please reply.
Polo Field
Nope that’s a fake.
When will new horizons part 2 come out?
Polo Field
Not sure! We haven’t started making it yet. We want to make sure it’s as interesting as possible for everyone.
Polo Field, I made a picture for you! I hope it makes you “Happy”:
Polo Field
That’s awesome!! You’ve got some great editing skills. Nice work. 😀
I am going to work for Club Penguin! That’s what I’ll do! It’s my dream job, and now you made it even more exiting to me! Waddle on Polo Field!
DVPcool (Penguin)
Reblogged this on dvpcoolpenguin and commented:
¡Sigan pingüineando!
– DVPcool
I help people with there things and duties.
I can also answer questions I know.
Pumped Up Kicks
I love donating and i also advice others by watching others happy .. i also become happy 🙂
~ Disneydimney
Polo Field, I just met you on the server Fjord today!
polo field could i meet you on club penguin and could you postcard me and come to my igloo?
Happy everyday ! I <3 Coins For Change, it is helping people (like this too ^^) Good Bye Polo, sorry, i can't come to your polo field friday 🙁 but i am happy ! ^^ Mepauset-happy happy happy!!
Polo i want to work in the CP central office, i Can? i live in Colombia and speaks english perfectly
Hey Polo! Do you think u could check out me and my friend’s blog? its www .graffocp. com! just remove the spaces… 😉
excellet dude!hurray cp