For those of you that didn’t know, Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October! So it’s a long weekend here, and many Canadians are busy cooking turkeys or vegetarian feasts with friends and family. So, Happy Thanksgiving, fellow Canadians!
I like the idea of Thanksgiving. Being thankful for what you’ve been given is a very good thing.
I’m thankful for my job at Club Penguin, all my good friends and family, the great outdoors, technology, and delicious food to eat.
What are you thankful for?
Sweet! Are you guys at the office having a big party or something? 😛
zonnie (@zonnieCP)
Happy Thanksgiving to you Polo Field 🙂
Polo Field
Thanks Zonnie.
You guys should throw a mini thanksgiving party at some part of the year
Question: The rumours about DJ Steven, are they true?
Polo Field
Where did this DJ Steve rumor come from?
I am not sure. But is it true? Someone said he is setting up an event with Cadence in November.
Polo Field
Nope that’s a myth.
Matthew :) (@Dorian1453)
I’m thankful for being healthy and having a healthy family. I’m also thankful for pie! Without pie, I don’t know what I would do. 😉
Polo Field
Pumpkin pie, of course.
Matthew :) (@Dorian1453)
And keytar pie… Made with 100% organic recycled keytars. 😉
Happy Thanksgiving Polo! I’m thankful for having club penguin and moderators like you for club penguin.
Happy Thanksgiving! Hopefully you would wish us a happy Thanksgiving when it’s our turn in the U.S.! I will be thankful!
Polo Field
Great idea!
I’m thankful for a good family, a meal to eat everyday, a home to live in, fresh water and all of my good friends at my school and also Polo! Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians celebrating!
-Dj Pingy8
Polo Field
Nice comment. Great things to be thankful for!
Happy Thanksgiving Polo! Out of all the blue, II am thankful for you, otherwise this epic blog wouldn’t be here. PLEASE TELL US WHAT IS HAPPENING IN NOVEMBER
Vishnu Marquez
hello polo field happy thanksgiving you do well in your party is working hard sige club penguin
denisgur (@denisgur1)
Hey polofield!
i remember you frome 2007!
i got a Question, Why did cp removed the paint by letters books, and can you put them back again??
i really loved them!!
O Guia do Pinguin (@OGuiaDoPinguin)
I am thankful that my family, my blog, my puffles and my wonderful friends!
Polo Field
All very good things!
Hi polo
Polo field canu please add me as your friend and send me a postcard on club penguin. Please, I saw you on club pengyin once with businesmoose and sent you guys millions of friend requests but it looked like you guys were way too busy. I know it is probably hard to but could you please add me and postcard me?
From your friend
Ps. Please reply
Yeah. What happened to Paint By Letters? That’s where I got most of my coins from! 😀
Polo Field
They were removed because they weren’t very popular. There are lots of other good coin-earning games out there.
Thanks for the information!
-Dj Pingy8
It wasn’t thanksgiving for me yet but HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I like pie.. 🙂
Polo Field
btw, I am thankful for Club Penguin, my family, lots of food to eat, PIE!!, shelter to sleep under, and clothes 🙂
Federico Secreto
hi am 88fede88 polo field I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving could put my blog in my blogroll blog called blogger thanks though
Polo field could you please add me and send me a postcard on club penguin. Last week I saw you and businesmoose and it was epic!! Anyway HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING